Custom Website: rise collective

A queer-owned and woman-owned media agency that is actively working to create an online world that elevates our collective wellbeing, amplifies historically excluded populations, and represents all people and identities equally and to establish a marketing model grounded in cross-cultural collaboration, economic equity, accessibility, and social and racial justice.

When rise collective began to register their dream into an llc, they reached out and asked if I wanted to create a website for them. Learning about their mission to offer an equitable and inclusive approach to media and marketing, it was a YES right away.

Being a new business, rise collective began to fundraise using gofundme and most of the funds raised was to pay for my services as a web designer and knowing that, it is a responsibility that I don’t take lightly to design a website that can create a stream of income for them.

Since the website was launched, rise collective has been booked because they are truly phenomenal at what they do and sometimes I’ll receive a sweet message in my DM’s from them like this one here:

“Thank youuuuu!!! We just had someone share that our website was the selling point to hire us. They were leaning towards yes and then saw our site and said HELL YES ”

As a new organization, a 4 page Squarespace website is a good place to start so we created a website that had a homepage that has a carousel of the clients they have worked with, a page to get to know the team, a page to learn about their services, a ‘contact me’ page and a page to learn about their Board of Advisors.

As a white-owned media agency that focused on equity, having a Board of Advisors is rise collective’s way of keeping themselves accountable while doing important work. This is one of many creative ways to build a brand strategy that keeps you accountable to the marketing messages that are being shared in the world.

You can view my design for this website here ↓


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