Template Sessions: Kyle Skovira

We adapted an existing layout and one of the pioneers of a Squarespace template called Wells. It’s one of the few templates that has a side menu which was important for Kyle. Intuitively they knew that it’s a layout that called out to them.

Side menus are wonderful for websites that have a lot of content such as blogs and portfolio and the reason it is faster for users to scan instead of scrolling through the site. This is also why you see side menus being used for Google Drive, Facebook, Gmail and much more.

Kyle (they/them) is an interdisciplinary artist, educator, facilitator, and yogi who is presently interested in collaborative installation and immersive visuals. I really resonated with what they wrote:

“The relationship with the self is a reflection of the relationship with the collective, and I’m committed to staying curious on how that changes in and around me.”

Another intuitive guidance that Kyle shared was their love for IBM style font. In their website, we used the same typeface with different styles to express a strong sense of identity. Here we used the IBM typeface family: IBM Plex Mono and IBM Plex Sans and IBM Plex Sans Condensed.

This typeface, just like us, highlights the intersections and the juxtaposition between curves and points. If you geek out over the subtle details, you can read more about this typeface here. You can see this expression of contrast in the letters M and created by their founders when it was used for IBM.

You can view my design for this website here ↓


Yoga, Social Justice & Marketing Mentorship


Website Audit: Liz Getman